Lotus Notes : The Future Is Bright

You’d have to be blind not to have seen the news that’s been popping up on a lot of the blogs today in the Notes Community. The announcement and screenshots of the new Lotus Notes client that will be coming post version 7 is not just important because of the new user interface but because of what the new client is built on.

Lets face it, the Lotus Notes client as we know and love ( or hate ) it today is being replaced by one built around the WorkPlace Client technology and this is why the announcement is important. With IBM WorkPlace moving to V2.5 many companies are looking at this technology, comparing it to other similar technologies and starting to make important stratigic decisions that will effect their business over the next few years.

For companies that are currently running Lotus Notes/Domino then knowing what the future holds will greatly help. If your looking at WorkPlace now then knowing that the rich client that is due out later this year will eventually morph into the Lotus Notes client in the future then your decision should be a lot easier to make.

As they said at Lotusphere there’s just one road and lots of different cars that you can use to drive along it.

Now, as long as they keep the workspace I’ll be happy

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2 comments on “Lotus Notes : The Future Is Bright
  1. Bruce Elgort says:

    @Declan,Hey… I am blind


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