Lotus Notes 8.5 Beta for Mac OSX

Well IBM fixed the download so I grabbed
it down overnight. If your here at Lotusphere and want a copy of the file
I have it on my external drive now so feel free to find me and make a copy
of it. Save the bandwidth….

Oh and as Terri just found out you do
need OS X 10.5 ( Leopard ) for it to run.  Looks like she will have
to upgrade.

The upgrade from the Mac 7 client was
very smooth and everything looks good so far.

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2 comments on “Lotus Notes 8.5 Beta for Mac OSX
  1. Scott Xe says:

    Can you provide me a copy of Lotus Notes 8.5 for Mac as Lotus Notes’ download server might be down now.



  2. Brian says:

    Can this beta 8.5 for Mac handle the new activities feature? We’re using Activities at work and have the server setup for it but I can’t seem to find out how to turn it on in my 8.5 beta on my Mac nor can I find anything about an additional installer… Help/advise is appreciated!


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