Working Sets And Source Control

If you have not yet discovered Working Sets in Domino Designer then now is the time to start using them. They can help you manage the number of applications listed in the Applications pane and help you group applications into different projects etc.

If your using Working Sets and Source Control then you have probably noticed that the SCM version of your application doesn’t show in the Application pane and only shows in the Navigator or Package Explorer pane and that these panes show all your applications AND SCM versions and can become a little unmanageable. Well don’t worry, they are actually very easy to get back under your control…

First things first, forget about the ‘Navigator’ pane. Close it, you don’t need it. Use the ‘Package Explorer’ pane instead. Why? Well the ‘Package Explorer’ pane has a handy little option called ‘Window Working Set’ which sets that panes working set to whatever working set is selected elsewhere, so when you change the working set in the Applications pane the working set in the Package Explorer pane will change automatically. This is a big time saver.

To select the ‘Window Working Set’ make sure you select the ‘Package Explorer’ pane and then click the menu button in the upper right as highlighted below.

This opens a small menu and ‘Window Working Set’ is the first working set option. Now back on the Application pane change your working set and then switch to the Package Explorer pane and you’ll see that it has also changed. Pretty cool.

Unfortunately your Source Control flat file version of a database isn’t added to a working set by default but that is also easy to fix. Back on the Package Explorer pane click that menu option again and you’ll see an ‘Edit Active Working Set’ option but it is grayed out. This is because ‘Window Working Set’ is a virtual working set, so first things first is select the correct working set from the menu and then use the ‘Edit Active Working Set’ option.

A dialog box will appear where you can select what should show in the working set. Select your SCM flat file project and click Finish

Your Package Explorer pane will now show your NSF/NTF and the SCM Flat File versions of the project.

Once you have your SCM Flat File versions setup correctly for all your working sets just change the displayed working set in the Package Explorer pane back to ‘Window Working Set’ and then as you switch working sets in the Applications pane the Package Explorer pane will keep up and show all the correct entries.



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One comment on “Working Sets And Source Control
  1. Joerg says:

    great tip, thank’s a lot!


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